5 Foundations of Talking to Kids about Sexuality: The Journal

Explore the Journal.

  • The 5 Foundations

    The journal provides a chance for you to dive deeply into each of the 5 foundational approaches for talking to kids about sexuality. The 5 Foundations are:

    The 5 Foundations are:

    - Sexuality is More than Sex

    - Get Clear on Your Values

    - Start Now & Talk Often

    - Focus on Your Nonverbals

    - Counter Your Bias

  • Practice Makes Perfect

    The 5 Foundations Journal includes 6 practice and reflection exercises to help you use each approach when talking with your kids about sex. You can complete these exercises yourself or with a co-caregiver, such as a grandparent, partner, or childcare provider.

    Get the 5 Foundations Journal Here!

  • Actively Address Your Bias

    This journal is explicitly affirming of all identities and challenges readers to recognize their biases related to sex, gender, ability, parenthood and actively choose nonstigmatizing, normalizing language instead.